iMPACT News is a weekly half hour video podcast examining topics trending in the headlines and social media; through a sharp, reality-based lens in an entertaining and informative way.
Check out the following news headline topics in this episode of iMPACT News, with show host, Carol Angela Davis:
Ron Desantis appointed someone to lead a Black county who has KKK leanings.
Racist sheriff in North Carolina gets his comeuppance.
Can we finally get rid of Clarence Thomas?
News of apparent welfare cheat Brett Favre.
National archives is still missing Trump records.
Relief centers to support Caribbean asylum seekers.
The artic ocean is acidifying really fast…this is scary!
The 1200 year drought in the west.
The rise of sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
A new dorm at the University of Maryland named for African Americans.
A new documentary on iconic black female models.